The Philippa Woolf Scholarship provides women in the emergency management sector an opportunity to develop their leadership skills.

This year, we received more than 40 applications to the Scholarship from a range of extraordinary members working and volunteering in diverse roles across Australia. All applications were testament to the skills, experience and passion of the AWE membership.

AWE and ACIM are thrilled to announce the successful recipients of the 2022 Philippa Woolf Scholarship are Donna Brown and Rebecca McDonald.

Donna Brown is Disaster Management Officer at the South Burnett Regional Council in Queensland and since 2017 has participated in and managed response and recovery in over 13 disasters. Donna is passionate about emergency management and assisting her community during natural disasters. She looks forward to building her skills so she can provide effective leadership and guidance to her peers when natural disasters occur.

Rebecca McDonald has worked in the emergency management sector in Victoria since 2013, in multiple roles at CFA and most recently as Operations Officer at VICSES. Rebecca is passionate about the role of community-based readiness and response organisations and what her contribution to improving the landscape should be. Rebecca looks forward to studying coordinating resources for a multiagency incident, managing human resources and planning for complex incidents. She would like to be a future role model for other young women, especially those from a rural background.

ACIM Director Philippa Woolf said, “After reviewing the applications and interviewing the short list candidates, I continue to be amazed and excited at the enthusiasm, professionalism and high calibre of women working in the emergency management sector who are seeking leadership roles. This was the toughest year ever to select winners and I would like to congratulate all who took the time to apply and I thank every single one for their service to the communities they work within.”

AWE President Bridget Tehan said, “AWE could not be prouder of its members, and especially those who applied for this year’s Philippa Woolf Scholarship.  Every applicant demonstrated the contributions they make to, and their passion for, emergency management and disaster resilience. Many thanks to all AWE members who applied, and congratulations to Donna and Rebecca. “

In recognition of their applications, and to support their work in the emergency management and disaster resilience sector, AWE is also offering each shortlisted applicant a matched mentor to help support their career goals and aspirations.

Congratulations Donna and Rebecca, and thanks again to all applicants.