Innovation Cafe
The AWE INNOVATION CAFE will bring stories of innovation to AWE.
Have you seen or been involved in an innovative project or idea in your workplace, community or extended networks that have supported women to get involved?
What stories are you excited to tell others about?
AWE members are invited to come along and share short 2 minute stories of ideas and innovations which are transforming gender equity in the emergency management and disaster resilience sector.
You can also send in a short 30 second video if you can’t attend on the day – Send it to
Pool Party
Yes!!! The AWE virtual pool party is back!
The cafe will be followed by a fun online networking event where members will get to mingle and meet others, with virtual beverage of choice in hand. The entrance to the pool will be open at the end of the innovation cafe.
If you wish to just attend the Pool Party – you can access it here