AWE Open Discussion Series: Allies of AWE

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Want to connect, talk openly, and support one another? 

The AWE Open Discussions provide a forum for members to explore insights, experiences and ideas on a range of topics.

No speakers, no presentations, just you and other AWEsome women getting together to learn, share and network.

AWE aims to promote and amplify the voices and experiences of women working, volunteering, studying or experiencing disasters and emergencies, and we need all the support we can get.

Can men and people not identifying as a woman join and participate in the AWE network?

How can they become better allies for women’s advocacy in emergency management and disaster resilience?

AWE invites members and allies, and especially encourage men and people who don’t identify as a woman, to join our online Allies of AWE Q&A. Hosted by AWE Vice-President Amanda Lamont, we’ll discuss these and other questions about how you can join and be an ally of AWE and women in emergencies. You can read more about this in our blog post titled “AWE Network Q&A Series – Allies of AWE”.

This event marks the start of a conversation in AWE about inclusivity, diversity and creating safe spaces for everyone.

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