AWE Women in Emergencies for Climate Action Meeting

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Our next meeting will be held at 12pm AEST on 14 September 2023. After hearing Sally Bamber speak at the ANZDEMC conference right after the AWE presentation, we knew that we had to have her along to speak to the AWE climate action members. Sally is a behavioural scientist speaking about climate adaptation and disaster resilience in a policy and strategy context. During her presentation, Sally spoke about risk, and whether decision-makers are accounting for all the elements which contribute to risk and not just what is directly attributable to climate change. She framed her talk around the question, are we underestimating the risks?”. This is a great opportunity for AWE members to learn from Sally about how they can have this conversation about risk and climate change in their organisations.

Hope you can come along to this event. You can register for the session here.

You can join the meetings by using this link: Meeting ID: 868 7093 6151Passcode: 568423

If you have any questions about the group’s activities or want to access previous meeting materials and presentations, please contact the Climate Chapter Chair, Amanda Lamont at

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